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 Focal Hyperhidrosis is a common condition associated with excessive sweating usually involving the underarms, hands, feet and face.  There is considerable emotional and social stigma attached to this condition.  Patients afflicted with the disorder can routinely soak through clothing in a matter of minutes, and resort to pads, shields, absorbent tissues, and frequent changes of clothing to cope with excessive sweating.  Clothing can be quickly stained and ruined .  Traditional therapies have included topical aluminum salts used in antiperspirants or oral medical such as Robinul.   The side effects of oral medication may cause blurred vision or dry mouth.


Intracutaneous injections of Botulinum Toxin (Botox) are highly effective in abolishing focal Hyperhidrosis.  Sweat producing glands are innervated by cholinergic sympathetic nerve fibers.   Botox prevents the presynaptic release of acetycholine in these nerve endings.  When the nerve endings are blocked, sweating is dramatically decreased.  The optimal effect of Botox can last anywhere from 4-12 months.  Treatment will need to be repeated every 5-8 months on average.  Botulinum Toxin is a safe and simple treatment for many patients with excessive sweating.  Botox is FDA approved for Axillary (underarm) Hyperhidrosis and is covered by most PPO insurances.