Cutera Titan gives you the natural option to turn back the clock on aging skin.  Using light energy to stimulate new collagen growth, Titan can tighten skin on your face and neck.  This non surgical option helps to enhance your youthful appearance without down time or injections.

Titan uses a safe, infrared light to heat the dermis well below the skin surface.  The heating causes immediate collagen contraction resulting in a tighter skin.  During the procedure the skin is protected through continuous cooling with the hand piece.  Titan is perfect for loose skin at the face and neck.  It can lift the jowls, neck, cheeks, and forehead.

Risks and side effects include prolonged redness at the area being treated.  This usually dissipates the following day.  Swelling can occur and could last for a few days following the procedure.  Blanching is another side effect that usually resolves in 24 hours

Some patients see results immediately, however, for most patients; the results are gradual over a 3-6 month period as new collagen forms.  We typically do 3 treatments, one month apart for best results.  Call today to schedule your free consult.