Muscle pain can be divided into two types, articular and non-articular pain. Articular pain involves inflammation of joints such as Rheumatoid or Osteoarthritis. Non-articular pain consists of disorders involving muscles and soft tissues. This may include muscles around the lower back and hip areas as well as muscles of the neck and shoulders. There are many treatments for muscle pain and spasms including medications, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, and surgery. Botulinum Toxin (Botox) can also be used to help relieve these pains and spasm. Botox was originally approved by the FDA in 1989 to treat severe muscle contractions caused by Cervical Dystonia. This syndrome of the neck and shoulders involves pain, spasm, and head deviation. Botox relaxes the muscles and blocks the neurotransmitter that tells muscles to contract. Additionally, physical therapy can maximize the effects of Botulinum Toxin. Physical therapy helps to maintain flexibility and reduce the recurrence of spasms.